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Friday, February 4, 2011

Two years old...Getting My Happy Back!

My baby girl is officially TWO YEARS OLD.   Hold on to your Pampers, folks...we're entering the world of Toddler, and it's all about potty training, big girl beds, cleaning up your own mess, and....getting Mommy's happy back.

Sometime in my pregnancy, I lost my sense of self.  I almost erased everything about ME, and became cuddler, organizer, chef, maid, mind-easer, assurer, and Nurturer my baby girl.  I obliterated ME and built myself and my entire life around the little dumpling I created (with help from Tyler, of course) and everything she needs, wants, thinks, feels, senses, explores, etc (the verbs never stop in Madison's world, believe me!).  I have entirely forgotten how to smile on my own behalf, laugh, experience joy, and generally ENJOY myself (with or without her!).  I know after two years, I'm a good mommy...but I am pretty much not feeling all other titles I hold in life!

So, as we've hit our two years, and I've assessed that we're raising a hilarious, talented, brilliant, intuitive, well-balanced little's time to make the same out of the mommy!

Somehow, just at this mark in our life, my new boss has seen something in me, and I've gotten a raise without applying for position.  I'm now the Assistant Manager at my job...and oddly enough, my work life is now an entirely different, less stressful, fun adventure.  Well deserved!  All my physical and health problems are beginning to dwindle.  My new focus will be on eating and being more healthy...insert healthier meals and a little gym time here!  Time to get my body back after five years of putting it through complete and utter hell at my job.  Eating regularly and a little exercise is sure to increase my good mood!  And I'm actually excited about work AND working on myself, too! 

I'm beginning to feel a little like the "old me."  The funny girl with a silly side who really took a positive take on life.  I can't wait to accomplish getting the happy back in my life; taking care of myself in ways I've neglected and generally being a more satisfied person.  A better wife.  A better, happier version of efficient mommy.  A great manager, family member, and FRIEND.  Learn what makes me RELAX again!  The possibilites stretch in front of me, and now I am excited for every day in a way I haven't been in such a long time.  Sometimes you don't realize that excelling in certain portions of your life (work, motherhood) drains the life out of you in other areas (daughter, wife, friend), just because the demands of one aspect of existence are so great you simply don't have the ENERGY to be awesome at others.  You let things slide where you can.  You MAKE yourself do certain things that you enjoyed at one point (cooking). 

Introducing....KERRI!  Again! New/old/improved!  If there's nothing else I've learned in these past years, I have definitely understood the fact that BALANCE is EVERYTHING.  Crucial to happiness, for sure.  So, here's to my new journey!  Let's get it!

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